RIP Medical Debt"The debt relief we provide reduces mental and financial distress for millions of people."
Human Garage"Our mission is to empower over one billion people around the world to heal themselves while removing the financial barriers that stand in the way."
MaxLove Project"We're dedicated to improving the quality of life of families facing childhood cancers, pediatric rare diseases, and chronic hospitalizations with evidence-based culinary medicine, integrative care, and emotional health."
Dr. Lesli Preuss"Dr. Lesli is a licensed clinical child and family psychologist with more than twenty-five years of experience practicing in leading medical centers and schools across six states. She is a proponent of animal therapy and specializes in the treatment of Twice Exceptional (2e) and intellectually-gifted children and adolescents, as well as children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism and anxiety-related issues."
Shamieh Law"ADHD, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, is one of the most common conditions diagnosed in childhood. For many people, its effects are lifelong. Those with ADHD experience the world differently—they tend to be more easily distracted and impulsive than their peers. These symptoms pose a significant challenge to ADHD teens and adults who get behind the wheel. To avoid citations, injuries, or fatal crashes, ADHD teens and adults must understand and address the risks of driving with this condition. They should also adopt new habits to promote road safety. The team at Shamieh Law invites you to review our guide to ADHD and driving to learn more."